Monday, October 13, 2008

Scooby, Scooby Doo...Where Are You?

We have settled into a new nightly routine at our house. After evening playtime, dinner and bath time, we all pile into the living room for an evening snack and some Scooby Doo. It's funny how special it is that my kids love the same cartoons that I did when I was a kid. What is even funnier is that Boomerang is around making sure that they are still on TV.
Every day when the kids get home, they immediately start asking to watch Scooby Doo. Unlike the rest of you, we just got a DVR. Scooby Doo has now been put on series record. I promise we will never miss an episode.
The best part (other than just sitting and winding down with my kids)is to hear them sing the song. We will be riding along in the car and Ashton will randomly burst into song..."cooby, cooby doo wheh ah oo, we need uhr elp dis houahr". It is the most wonderful thing. It makes me smile and laugh. I heard today on CNN that laughter really is great medicine. It reduces cortisol in your body and helps you to burn fat. So, hey we can't go wrong there.
If I can ever find the cord to my video camera, I will try to catch "the boy" in action. You'll love hearing him sing as much as I do.

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