Thursday, October 16, 2008

I'm Angry....

I'm sick of people twisting scripture for political gain. I'm also sick of people using scripture as a reason for backing one candidate or the other. What I am most sick of is people saying that scripture says things that it just doesn't say, which makes it a lie. And all the prophecy gurus using Revelation to prove your point should know better. Because while Revelation says nothing about the things you are saying it does, it does say that if you add or take away from the words of this book damnation will come to you. If I were you, I would think twice before you keep touting your crap. It also proves to me that Christians have become a group of gullible know nothings who just believe this crap because they think voting for a certain party makes them a better Christian...HOGWASH (to use a delicate southern term!).
I will be glad when this election is over. I have previously said on facebook and will repeat here...Obama is not Jesus, Palin is not Esther, McCain is not the Voice Crying in the Wilderness and none of them will save our country. As Christians, we should be smarter than this. The political system is broken, our church is broken and we are broken. We are not being the people of God. We are being a bunch of pinheads who expect the capitalistic system to fix our woes instead of looking to the one who can fix it and make His Kingdom come on this earth (have you forgotten that it is OUR job to help make His Kingdom evident in the earth?).
I could go on, but I am so angry, I can hardly bring myself together to write these words. I'm sorry if these words offend you, but
I'm ANGRY! Why aren't you?


ndfugate said...

who said the political system is broken? I think it is performing its function quite nicely ... there are a bunch of politicians being political.

Christians aren't the only ones gullible, the rest of the nation is the same way with their heads stuck in the sands and arms stretched reaching for the next handout.

And why can't a capitalistic system (one not encumbered by the flavors of socialism that ours is) fix our woes? I mean if I get to the top of that pile, my woes my not be so great.

Also, you should not be so angry, its just not good for your health.

Kelly said...

I hope that when you finish your law degree that you pursue your political career. I love the way you completely bypassed the main point, in order to accentuate one word and draw your conclusion from that. You would argue with a sign post. Perhaps, that is why we all love you so much.

m.d. mcmullin said...

I'm sick of it as well.

The fear mongering seems to be worse than in the past - more desperate. Maybe I'm just noticing it more.

ndfugate said...

i just chose not to direct my comments to your main point, but rather to one of the side roads that were laid out. Am I now restricted to responding in only ways that the author would have me respond? I like how you also try to label me as a politician in light of one of the meta-subjects of this post.

Also, do not demean yourself to the status of a sign post, I choose freely who I want to argue with, and it is usually with people who 1) I love, 2) can get under their skin or 3) are worthy of arguing back.

Finally in response to Mike, I think you are just noticing it more, of course you didn't live in Florida in 2000, this is tame. Also, I believe as information tech and the media pervade more of our lives, and the drawn out process of this campaign, we become oversaturated. But there is no use to complain, as it only goes down hill from hear.