Thursday, April 2, 2009


Hello Everyone...whomever you may be -

I am almost finished with my thesis. In fact, I will hopefully finish my writing tomorrow and turn it in on Monday or Tuesday. I can't believe I'm actually going to finish. There were days when I thought I would never get there.
Also, I made a 100% on my Counseling Skills mid-term. I haven't gotten my Gospel of John mid-term back yet. It is hard to believe that there are only 3 weeks of class remaining. When the thesis is done, I will have about 4 papers and a lot of reading to do, plus 2 finals.
*(As if you all really wanted to know the gory details!)*
The kids are growing so fast. They are quickly approaching 5 and 3. Belle went to the train museum today. Ashton is all about his "tricks". They usually involve jumping and crashing himself into the floor, couch or trampoline.
We had to move mid-March. Our big, outdated, 70's looking house was mold infested. So, we packed up the whole joint and moved - not before disinfecting EVERYTHING mind you. We are finally getting settled. Just for future reference...moving and writing a thesis don't mix. BUT, we had some great help. We were blessed with great friends and family who helped us get it done in just about a day and a half. You know who you are - THANKS A MILLION!
Also, for those of you wondering where the last post went. If you really want to know, you are welcome to ask and I will happily give you the answer. Otherwise, you will have to suffer in silence.
Maybe, just maybe, you will be hearing more from me after next week.
Until then...


ndfugate said...

i want to know. And I still don't believe you are going to finish ;)

Kelly said...

I hope you did get the invitation. I now have diploma, award, honor cords and dvd to prove that I am indeed a graduate!