Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Defining Success

So, I have been thinking a lot about this idea lately. I'm 33, and I'm not sure that I have ever defined this for myself. I think this was brought on by two things. At Christmas, someone told me that they thought that I didn't know what I wanted. Second, a couple of weeks ago, I heard a man say that when he was asked to give his definition of success, his response was simply "peace". Also, I've had this strange revelation of late regarding people who are "strange" or any word you could use to describe someone who walks to a different beat so to speak. What I find is that these people have a tendency to be happy. I think that they are at peace with themselves. That is saying more than I can for a lot of people that I know.


I'm still working this out. I will get back to you with an answer, but I'd like to know what you think. I do know this. I don't buy into all this mumbo jumbo about planning your life to death. I do realize that without a vision the people perish, but I think there is more to it than just planning your life out on paper. I think that takes something away from the other scripture about walking by faith. More often than not, our plans just fail or we spend our time working toward a goal, yet always falling short (though not failing) and always feeling like we just don't cut it (and coming up unhappy in the end).

All of these thoughts have been brought on by a statement that has captured me - "Are you working toward what God has for you to do or are you striving?" Are the things that we are doing really what we are called to work at or is it just a good idea that will leave us striving? Right now I don't have an answer. I just know that I need some change in my life and some answers.

So, you can help me in this process. Answer my questions, dialouge with me, be the body of Christ with me, challenge me (yes, I really did ask for it!). A friend of mine gave up being negative for lent. I think I want to give it up forever. For more details read my previous blog "My Knee is Broken" if you need to get caught up. Ok, well it's off to the routine. For once though, I had to write. There was no excuse good enough to put this off. I look forward to your responses.

Friday, February 23, 2007

My Body is a Masterpiece

A little over a week ago, I was working on support letters for the people at church who are taking missions trips this summer. I had put Belle down for her nap about 30 minutes earlier. Normally, she drifts off to sleep. It's like a picture perfect story from the tale "Night Before Christmas". I'm thinking that visions of sugar plums are dancing in her head (more like visions of Ariel, Aurora and Belle), when what to my wondering eyes should appear but a naked little girl full of great cheer. She was colored with marker from head to toe - mustache around her lips, dots on her nose. But that is not the end of this tale you see, she had colored her feet, her bum and her boobies. So much composure I tried to retain, but alas I could not - laughter and tears fell like rain. I put up the markers and chastised her well, put her back to bed and all was well. She drifted off to sleep, my laughter remained and one day she'll read this story with disdain. Why do you ask? I'll tell you why. These are great stories to tell all the guys!

PS - This photo is another one of her coloring days. It's obvious...she loves lipstick.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Making a Shift


Well, I have decided to transition my blog from MySpace to a "real" blog site. I have moved my original postings, and they are all dated February 16th, regardless of when I originally wrote them.
I'm trying to be more tech savvy. I'm not sure that will ever really happen. And, I envy my friend Nic who is reading 12 books all at once. I have a hard time reading one. I'd like to blame it on a certain infant and toddler that I know, but it is more likely that I just haven't decided to make the time. Something always seems to need cleaning, folded, washed, etc.
None the less, I find blogging (and reading other's blogs) to be somewhat cathartic. Someone described it as eating a cheeseburger with a friend, minus all the fat and calories. So, maybe you'll get to know me better. Maybe I'll get to know you better. Maybe we'll just keep up on one another's lives. I don't really know. I do know that when I write, I feel better. For now, that is my goal...a new writing habit. Not such a bad goal...there are worse things in life, right?

Friday, February 16, 2007

My Knee is Broken (A.K.A. - Anonymous Confessions of My Lunatic Friend)

So, what is a woman to do when she is supposed to sleeping, but she just can't. I'm supposed to be sharing a room with my daughter tonight so that I won't be awakened by my "still not sleeping through the night at 8 months" son. At this point, I'm really hoping that I don't get scolded for being up so late when I'm supposed to be "resting". But you see, this is the problem...

I'm in Orlando. It's the holiday. I had pumpkin pie and Starbucks for dinner. My son has been asleep since 8pm (barring a few waking incidents due to noisy neighbors shooting off 250 ft. rolls of lady fingers and God himself only knows how many bottle rockets). My brother, being the gentleman that he is, brought me popcorn and a Dr.Pepper. I couldn't bring myself to eat the popcorn, but I couldn't refuse the Dr. Pepper. His thoughtfulness was too sweet, and since Brian isn't here, I thought it best to drink one in his honor this New Years eve.

As if the caffeine were not enough to keep me awake, shortly after midnight my daughter is somehow awake and screaming at the top of her lungs. When I finally get to the room, she is standing in the pack'n'play. I asked her what was wrong. She replies through her sobbing and tears, "Mommy, my knee is broken." I quickly reply, "Do you want me to get you a hot towel?" "Yes Mommy." "Grandma is the best at making hot towels. I will have her to get you one." The screaming continues, despite all my efforts to console her, until the hot towel arrives. Two seconds later, all is well, and she is practically asleep before I can even ask if she feels better. And suddenly, my mind is somewhere 25 years ago reminiscing about all the hot towels I had to have to ease the growing pains in my own legs.

Of course, then I have to recall the years that follow ~ along with all their joys, triumphs, sorrows, pains...you get the point. I suppose that a New Year is the perfect time to look back at what was, remember the good and do our best to forget the bad.

Seeing that I'm starting to get older (notice I did not say "old"!), I realize that I forget a lot of the details of life, and the intensity of some of the things I felt isn't so strong anymore. In light of that, I must admit that it seems to me that 2006 was one of the hardest years I ever remember having (if not the hardest). As I continue to try to work through it all in my mind, I find myself mostly wanting to just forget - forgive and forget.

In my awake state, I thought tonight would be a great time to update my profile song on MySpace. In looking, I came across the song "Love Takes Time". I can't get it off of my mind. It goes something like this...(please, just humor me and read it!)

Have you ever been lied to, maybe mistreated.
Taken for granted till you just can't stand it.
Were you ever mistaken, thought to be someone
That you just can't be, with the love you need
Love takes time, please be kind, see every part of me
Love's not blind, ties that bind, take on eternity
Would you like to be trusted, for once in your life.
Carry that fire, without burnin' each other
Are you easily angry, can you bury your pride
Could you ever forgive me, and not keep it inside
Make a sacrifice sometimes, maybe more than you planned
I know we don't like the pain it takes to make a stand
A hard heart or a heartache, to admit that you're wrong
Though it's hard, it hardly matters if that love is strong
Make a sacrifice sometimes...
I think this song might possibly encompass all the emotion I have felt this year. So, for now, it is my theme song for the New Year. I think it truly encompasses so much more than a New Years resolution. It is a reckoning to be the Christ follower that He has called me to be.

So, follow the lyrics along with me...

I will forgive and do my darndest to forget.

I will no longer mistake myself for someone I am not, even if others do. (If you find my lunatic friend, please be nice!)

I will do my best to be kind, and try to do the same justice for others that I am doing for myself...I will do my best not to mistake them for someone that they are not.

I consider myself (and I know others that do as well) to be very trustworthy. I want to take that to the next level.

The fire part...I'll come back to that!

I don't want to be angry anymore.

I want to bury my pride (for a lot of reasons).

I want to give and receive true forgiveness.

I want to rid myself of the hard heart and heartache I feel I have had in 2006.

Mark this one down! I can willingly admit that in 2006 I have been wrong. When I am wrong, I'll try to keep this admitting thing going this year.

He gave the ultimate sacrifice, it's time I gave mine completely as well. It is so easy to just give bits and pieces, especially in our American pop culture...but that is another blog all together.

(Now, back to the fire part) More than anything this year, I want to carry the fire without burning someone else. And, in selfishness, I'd kind of like a break on being burned.

I guess this is a pretty tall order. There are no guarantees, just a promise that I hear ringing in my head in Belle's sweet voice..."With God, all things are possible". Hearing a two year old quote scripture ought to be enough to bring anyone to tears!

Again, these aren't New Years Resolutions. They are things I have pondered in my heart for quite some time now. Those closest to me know just how much.

This phrase has often gotten on my nerves, but somehow tonight it seems appropriate - Daddy God, my knee is broken...(a.k.a. - I still have growing pains and need a hot towel to make it better).

I should be sleeping. Can you see why I'm not?

Woman With an Issue

It seems that we all have issues. The worst kind are the ones you think you've cancelled, but they just keep showing up on your doorstep with a cover saying "renew now or this will be your final issue". The only problem is that it never seems to be the final issue. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
Well, there was a woman in the Bible with a different kind of issue. She bled constantly for years. In that time, there was no reprieve. In fact, she couldn't love her husband, sleep in her own bed, pack her kids lunches, hug them & send them off to school. No, she had to live outside the city walls in a box and cry "unclean, unclean". How depressing! The gospel of Mark (chapter 5) tells us that she spent all the money she had on doctors, but only became worse. She had no hope of becoming better. But, she had faith. She said if she could only touch Jesus garment, she would be well.
Jesus and his disciples were on their way to a rich rulers house when the woman came from behind and clutched his garment and kept on clutching it. Jesus knew that someone had touched him and asked who it was. When the woman replied, he told her that her faith had made her whole. The glory of Christ was revealed. And, while her healing was a great miracle, the greatest miracle was that her pain resulted in helping the multitudes recognized who Christ really was.
You've heard the story; now listen. We all have issues. Your issue may or may not be medical. It might be something that you feel like you have wrestled with for years. Have you have spent all your time, energy and maybe even money (going to counselors, maybe?!) trying to rid yourself of your issue? It might be that you need to just have the faith to reach out and touch the risen Christ. Or, have you ever stopped to think that maybe, just maybe what you are wrestling with is exactly what God intended in order to reveal Christ to others? Remember, legitimate healing comes not so much in believing or having faith that you will be healed, but in believing in the risen Christ, the healer, who died so that you might be whole.
You see, unlike us, God has the ability to see and know what is best for each of his children all at the same time. What may seem a painful and unending issue for you and me, may be the one thing that in the end will set someone else free. What may not seem "fair" to us is actually the father's loving hand hard at work.
God is not finite like we are. He has tomorrow's answers before you've even thought of tomorrow's questions.
So, chew on that for a while.

Wrestling With God

That is what I feel my life has been consumed with of late. From what I can see, there are two kinds of wrestling with God. The first is the kind of wrestling we do when we don't want to give in to the direction or plan that God has for our life. The second is the kind of wrestling that Jacob did in Genesis 32. The second is what I want to talk about tonight.
For those of you who don't know the story or need a refresher course, Jacob was preparing to meet his brother Esau (whom he had robbed of his rights as firstborn). He was afraid and had sent his servants ahead with offerings to try and soften him up. Night had come. Jacob sent his wives, maids and children on ahead of him. Jacob was alone. He wrestled with God all night. As dawn came near, God dislocated Jacob's thigh. He told Jacob to let him go, but he said that he would not let go until God blessed him. It was this night that Jacob was given the name Israel (meaning "he struggles with God") and became the father of the great nation into which Christ was born.
The outward wrestling was a sign of the inward struggle within Jacob. How I have wished of late for my wrestling to have some type of physical mode, instead of being trapped inside. Come on, haven't you ever wanted to punch a wall or throw something or even hit someone because you thought it would make you feel better. I have. Of course, Jacob limped away with a permanent physical reminder of his great wrestling match. But, he also walked away with his blessing. God found Jacob out, and in our wrestlings (whether physical or internal), he finds us out too!
This wrestling is a sort of divine discontent that is pulling us, drawing us to give up certain things, to change certains ways that we are and operate even though it may cost us everything, even our lives. God wrestles in us to accomplish His will and purpose.
What we must be sure of is that we are wrestling for the right purpose. Right now, I'm not certain if I'm wrestling for the right reasons. But, I do know this...God is working on me none the less because I'm recognizing so many things about myself that I'm not sure I would have been ready to face before. Part of this relates to my previous blog about friends who wound us. In being reminded of who I am, I have also realized the parts of me that I have lost that I should not have lost. So, now I am left to find them.
If you are wrestling tonight, I challenge you to ask yourself why. Are you wrestling with God because you are bucking against His will for your life? Or, are you wrestling because God is moving you to a new place in Him? And, perhaps in the midst of wrestling for the wrong reasons, you can change your course and wrestle for the right ones.
Matthew 5:8 says, "Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God". Jacob said that he had seen God, and his life was preserved. May we be pure in heart. May we see God. May we wrestle for all the right reasons. And in the end, may we be changed to be more like Him. After all, isn't that the goal?!

Some People Just Don't Get It

Or me either for that matter. Have you ever felt that way? Sometimes, I feel that way more often than not. But, I thank God for the people that do get "it" and me! If you are a Christian, you might have heard it termed "kindred spirit" or something to that effect. Regardless, these are people that somehow we are just able to connect with and share life with (and the harsh realities that often come with it!).
That is why the community of faith is so important. When we go through hard times (or even easy times), it can become easy or comfortable to isolate ourselves, tell half truths or only reveal part of ourselves because we don't want to disclose the reality of our lives. The older I get, the more I realize how difficult it is to make true friends. That is why I am so thankful for my old standbys. These are the friends who have gone throught "the fire" with me, if you know what I mean. And, I am doubly thankful for the people I have met in recent years who are becoming my friends. I am closer to some than others, but know that there is plenty of fire around to help strengthen the new ones.
Friendship is not a passing fad. True friendship is hard to come by. It takes work and vulnerability on both sides of the fence. True friendship can never occur if only one person is willing. So, work hard at the things that are important. For instance, MySpace has been a great place to reconnect with a lot of acquaintances. But, the truth is, I never needed MySpace to keep up with those people who were truly my friends. (I must admit that I love being able to see my friends day to day lives on a more regular basis, instead of just thumbing through photos when we are together or using my imagination in long phone conversations.)
The nice thing about true friends is that they see beyond the surface. They hear past words to hear what you are really saying. They read what you write, but know the intent of your heart. They sense even when we are silent. And, true friends hold you accountable. They share their sorrows and their joys.
I have had two precious conversations with two of my best friends recently. During one conversation, I cried. I didn't cry out of sadness, but because someone "got me". They knew what made me tick, made me angry, made me smile and were able to listen and know my heart. The second was quick. We simply shared in the joy of God's blessing in her life. You see, that's the thing. With true friends, you share the junk and joy. And, if you share the junk, you must share the joy!
Sometimes in the hustle of life, it becomes easy to lose who you are. I am convinced that most discontent in our lives does not come out of our life situation, but in that we have allowed our life situations to alter who we are at the core. We trade grace for judgement. We trade joy for anger. We trade the true love of Christ for bitterness. We lose who we are and that is where the frustration with life comes from. True friends remind us of who we are and challenge us not to bargain with who we are. Proverbs 27:6 says, "Faithful are the wounds of a friend." Sounds funny, right?. If you read verse 5, it tells us that an open rebuke is better than love concealed. So, it goes to say that sometimes it hurts when friends are honest, but in the end it is for the best.
In our society, we tend to expect/want the quick and easy. Nothing worth having is ever quick or easy or free. True friendship has a price. True friendship requires an infinite amount of work. And, when you grow up and move away, it can get expensive (long distance phone calls, packages, visits across country). True friendship is worth every dime, every sacrifice and more.
To my dear friends (and you know who you are), thank you. I know that you know how much I love you. Thank you for holding me accountable. Thank you for reminding me what is important in life. Thank you for reminding me who I am at my core. Thank you for reminding of dreams that sometimes seem long gone. Thank you for telling me not to eat that second roll. Thank you for "getting it" and me.
To my new and up-and-coming friends, thank you for taking a chance. I truly hope that one day we will have all that I have mentioned above. I hope one day we have stories to reminisce over. I hope we will have journey, chicken salad and dr. thunder to make us smile (if you even remotely understood that, you are well on your way to getting to know me!).
Some people just don't get it...Do you?

I Miss My Kid!

I wanted to think of some witty, creative title to catch your attention. But, alas, no title seemed right except the one I chose. I want to shout it from the rooftops! It is funny the way God equips us to love our children.
Things have been really busy and stressful lately. During times like these, for most of us, our children bring a joy and welcomed relief to the heaviness of day to day living. So, being without them takes away a little of the sunshine. I'm convinced that God intended it that way. It sort of turns the tables a little and makes us dependent on those little bits who can do relatively little without our assistance. I'm also certain of this one thing...that I am missing her so much more than she is missing me. Still, I look forward to the weekend when I will see her smiling face and flopping piggy tales. And, hopefully, she will come running to me while shouting "Mommy, Mommy".
If you have no kids, maybe your dog licking you brings you similar joy. I wouldn't know. I've never had a pet. I do know one thing...I MISS MY KID!

Logan's, Logan's, Logan's

How many Logan's rolls can I eat before it is sin? They are sooo yummy when they come out of the oven, not quite brown with all of that artery clogging gold on top.

Does anyone else have this problem? I mean really, do I have to stop eating them? I actually think that looking at them puts on the pounds. Of course, any one of us could have this problem with any number of things...other foods, tv, MySpace (come on...don't kid yourself, you know it's true!). Moderation in all things - that is the motto of the day.
So, do you have an answer yet? I do. I think I have sinned before I ever even start to eat them. I know that I can't eat just one, and the yeast that makes them rise, makes me rise as well (thank you Mom for that observation - see, I still listen to you!). It's not that the roll itself is so terribly bad to have every now and then. It's the fact that I lose all sense of self control when it comes to those stupid rolls.
So, enough of the nonsense. I hope that I'm not the only one loving Logan's rolls. Here's to self-control, moderation, and OH...just one more Logan's roll.

Mushy Mommy Stuff

Today I took my daughter to Hollywood and Vine's Play'N'Dine with some of the characters from Playhouse Disney. We were there to eat breakfast. In fact, we were paying to eat breakfast. But, who cares about breakfast when June, Leo, JoJo and Goliath are around, right? Certainly not Belle, and certainly not her Mommy. She was entranced. I was enamored with her fascination. Even Ashton was giggling and smiling after he woke up. He knew something fun was happening.
So, my question today is this. How many times do we let the sweetest moments of life pass us by? What is really important? Even as little as she is, Belle knew that eating was irrelevant. We were there to hang out with June, and hang out with June we did (check out my new slide show for all the fun!). We followed her around the restaurant ~ dancing with her, hugging her, just touching her dress every chance we could. We must have blown her a hundred kisses. And the dancing...we danced to all the Playhouse Disney songs.
I'm not trying to be super spiritual here or pull something out of the air. But, I want Belle to love God this way. For that matter, I want to love God that way. Don't you? My friend says on her page, "I love God, poorly, but I do". I feel that way so many times.
We would all do well to watch the intriguing ways of a child. Belle took it all in. I couldn't take enough pictures or video. I thought I couldn't care less about the characters, but I did because Belle did. I was happy because she was happy. In that moment I couldn't have cared less about any want or desire of my own. People are always watching. I can't count how many waiters, waitresses and other actors in the show came to talk to her and check her out. It was contagious!
So now, you can take this as you want. You can enjoy the fun and the story. You can be spiritual and make some application if you dare. All I know is that I learn more from my daughter sometimes than she is learning from me.
Don't be jaded. Don't be so set in your ways. Don't lose the wonder of childhood. Don't eat so much. Don't starve. Smell the roses. Don't be so worried about housework and spend time cherishing moments with those you love (this is not an excuse to not clean the toilet ~ just remember there is a time and place for everything!). Don't spend your days pining away for what is not or ever will be.
Call an old friend. Be nice to the cashier at Wal-Mart. Take a chance and actually enjoy living for once. Be you. Love God, poorly if you have to, but love Him. And, if you ever need a lesson in any of the above, you can come hang out with Belle!

Coming Up for Air

Tonight as I stood along the back wall listening to PB talking about contending for the faith, I kept thinking about people feeling overwhelmed with life (even the good parts), those overwhelmed with fighting the good fight (2 Tim. 4:7). The thought of coming up for air, the "just breathe" concept kept churning inside me. Even wonderful things (like moving to a new building) can seem almost too much sometimes.
The ability to breathe under water is not natural. Eventually, we all have to come up for air unless we have some type of device helping us to breathe. When life gets busy and overwhelming or there is some crisis affecting us, we tend to tell ourselves "Just Breathe". Anna Nalick has written an entire song about it (Just Breathe - 2am). All kinds of doctors and counselors tell people to just breathe or to take a deep breath to calm them down. But, maybe, just maybe, to "just breathe" is only the world's solution. In fact, in my recollection and reading of God's word I can't remember a time that the solution was for us to take a breath.
As we were preparing for water baptism and actually baptizing I was taken back to a moment in my past. Have you ever heard someone breathe their last breath? I have. It is a paralyzing moment to say the least. It is like the deep inhale you make when the doctor checks your lungs, except there is never an exhale. While watching a friend of mine (who happened to be former drug addict and achoholic) be baptized, the most amazing thing occured. As he was dunked into the water, the death rattle rang clearly from his lungs. When he came up out of the water, he breathed as if God himself had just piped air into his lungs. It was an amazing and terrifying moment. The presence of the Lord was obvious, and it seemed if almost everyone in the congregation began to weep. It was as if the person he was literally died as went under the water. And, the person who rose up out of the water was a brand new creature. In Christ that is how it should be.
Water baptism is an outward sign of an inward commitment made to Christ. It a symbol of the death of the old and a rising up of the new. Therefore, PB's message was all the more fitting. Part of contending for the faith is dying. When the situation (whether good or bad) seems too much, rather than breathing, we should probably ask ourselves how good of a job we have been doing at dying. Just read Romans 6 (there are a lot more NT references to this, but this particular chapter is very comprehensive). The writer of Corinthians tells us that he dies daily (1 Cor. 15.31).
So, my point -
maybe we shouldn't be coming up for air, but constantly remembering our baptism day. We should be taking that daily dunk where we breathe our last and come up having our lungs filled with the breath of Christ Himself who died that we might live.

Oh Praise the One who Payed my Debt and Raised This Life up From the Dead.
Jesus Paid it All.

So This is Love...

I was going to begin blogging with something grand and theological, but the events of the day have brought me to a different place. If you don't recognize the title, it is from Disney's Cinderella. Cinderella sings the song as she dances with the prince. My daughter is completely enchanted with the princesses right now, especially Ariel and Cinderella. So, if you don't know me very well, I'll let you in on a secret - this blog is about my dear children.
This afternoon my daughter says that she wants to snuggle with Mommy (what a pleasant surprise) and watch Little Einsteins (no surprise there!). So, with one child nursing and a little cutie tucked in the other arm, we watch Little Einsteins. It was a delirious moment filled with joy that only another parent could really ever understand, and one that I never want to forget. For those of you who aren't parents, please indulge me a little.
As I relish in the joy that my daughter is actually sitting still long enough to let me love on her and be loved back, the moment ends as quickly as it began. I move Ashton to the swing and try to convince her to sit to no avail. She is up and down crawling all over me, smashing parts of my body that were not intended to touched much less mauled by little feet.
The kid in me decides to play back. I begin to tickle her. We have fun at first. Then, it happens. My daughters precious little feet take it too far. Her heel meets the bridge of my nose. No big deal, right. WRONG!!!! I hear a crack, push her away and fight back the tears. In my emotion, I shout, "I think she just broke my nose". I fall to the floor, and despite my best efforts to fight back tears, I begin to cry. The snot comes, only it's not snot at all. Beautiful, adorable Belle has given me a bloody nose!
Brian is poking at it, making sure it's not broken. I'm trying to remember how to hold my head to make the bleeding stop. And, Belle, though she knows something isn't exactly right, is oblivious for the most part. Are you laughing yet?
I thought about stopping here to make some deep theological comparison between the events of the evening and our relationship with God, but I'll leave that for you to explore on your own blog spot. What is deep and theological about this evening is the great love that I still have for both my children. Eventually my tears and bleeding stopped, but the headache and slight swelling still remain as I write.
I thought that being pooped on, peed on and thrown up on numerous times was true initiation into motherhood, until tonight. The initiation to parenthood just comes in stages.
As I put my children to bed, we said our prayers, and I told them that I loved them. I said my own quick prayer, as I always do, that they would be safe through the night so I could hear their sweet voices and see their little faces again in the morning. In my mind, I couldn't help but think how precious every moment with them is - even the ones that are painful. I want to somehow tuck this day away in a treasure box of memories that I can recall when I am 90 and walking down the aisle at my granddaughter's wedding.

(Now just imagine Cinderella's tune playing in the background)

So, THIS is love...

So I Had a Bad Day

We all have bad days. I had one on Friday. I made it through though. In the midst of it, I wanted to wallow in self pity and the woes of my life. Of course, it didn't last for long because God ever so gently reminded me that most people would give almost anything to have my woes, and I certainly did not want anyone elses woes. I suppose the grass is always greener on the other side. Life just wasn't feeling as adventurous as I thought it would be (or at least in the areas I wanted it to be ~ HA!HA!) Then, I was reminded of this great quote from one of the Peter Pan movies. Wendy Lady says to Pan, "So, your adventures are over?" Pan replies, " No, Wendy Lady. To live, to live would be a grand adventure". So, I will live. And, don't fret. I'm sure you will hear all about in some blog I write in the wee small hours of the morning.
Why am I writing about having a bad day? I'm not really sure. I suppose because I wanted to explain my wonderful headline, or because I wanted to have the opportunity to say how thankful I am for my husband, my children, my family and friends. I am thankful for life. It may not always be perfect. It may not always be the way I enivisioned it my mind. But, in the end, I am where God intended me to be for the moment. That one thing I can say with confidence.
Mostly though, I think just wanted the chance to say...


It happens to the best of us.

Speaking of Faithfulness

Sunday mornings are always busy at my house. I awake to a hungry infant, followed by a hungrier toddler. My husband is already at work, and I am left to get everyone fed, dressed and ready. And, personally, I think we've have mastered the routine.
This morning though, when I entered my bathroom to put in my contacts, I notice a yellow piece of paper on the bathroom counter. It was a request for prayer. It was 8:30 and 1st service at GenesisChurch.tv was starting. I immediately began to pray. God's faithfulness kept coming to mind.
When I got to church, my initial goal was to make sure that everyone was OK. But, as I entered the sanctuary for worship, I found myself captivated by the presence of the Lord. I stood in the back for worship. In the midst of singing, the presence of the Lord broke through in such a powerful way. For those who don't understand that terminology, it was a moment when we could all catch a glimpse of what it will be like to be in His presence in heaven forever (for you theology geeks like me, we would call that "the already, but not yet" phenomenon). As we sang the words "you are holy", my spirit kept saying and faithful (and faithful and faithful). At this point, I had no clue that the Lord had impressed on my husband to talk about his recent journey in rediscovering God's faithfulness.
We continued to sing, but 2 Timothy 2:13 kept playing in my mind, "If we are faithless, He remains faithful; for He must be true to who he is". When Brian began to speak, my eyes began to fill with tears. It was amazing that God had directed my heart to the same place as my husband's heart. And, it was moving to see members of our congregation being touched as well.
These last few weeks have been heart wrenching at times. As a spouse of someone on the pastoral staff, I know that each and every member of the staff yearn to know Christ and make Him known. I watch them strive for the vision God has placed in their hearts. I have seen them glory in victory and wrestle with agony of defeat. And, even though I'm not the one doing the work, I have still asked where God was at times. And, the bottom line is still this...
God is faithful. And we do what we do to make Christ known. I think if you will just read 2 Timothy 2:8-13 with me, you will understand what I am trying to say.

For if we died with Him, we shall also live with Him;
If we endure, we shall also reign with Him;
If we deny Him, He also will deny us; (ouch! I didn't write this folks...)
If we are faithless, He remains faithful; for He must be true to who He is.

I cannot tell you the countless number of times I have quoted this scripture, and it has set me at rest. For instance, when I was 28, still single and feeling as if I was going out of my mind...or when my Down Syndrome brother prayed for Jesus to take him to meet Him so people would stop making fun of him...or when my Mamaw passed away...or when my husband felt as if all his hard work was crumbling in his hands...or, I could recount a thousand memories when these verses have helped me hold steadfast when all I wanted to do was give up or give in or blame God for being absent or just because I wanted to ask Him "why?". These verses have reminded me of who He is and why I do what I do.
Now, I am sure that many of you have experienced things in your lifetime that are so much worse, but this scripture still holds true. So, how and when has he been faithful to you? And, what scriptures hold the same kind of strength for you? I'd like to know.