Or me either for that matter. Have you ever felt that way? Sometimes, I feel that way more often than not. But, I thank God for the people that do get "it" and me! If you are a Christian, you might have heard it termed "kindred spirit" or something to that effect. Regardless, these are people that somehow we are just able to connect with and share life with (and the harsh realities that often come with it!).
That is why the community of faith is so important. When we go through hard times (or even easy times), it can become easy or comfortable to isolate ourselves, tell half truths or only reveal part of ourselves because we don't want to disclose the reality of our lives. The older I get, the more I realize how difficult it is to make true friends. That is why I am so thankful for my old standbys. These are the friends who have gone throught "the fire" with me, if you know what I mean. And, I am doubly thankful for the people I have met in recent years who are becoming my friends. I am closer to some than others, but know that there is plenty of fire around to help strengthen the new ones.
Friendship is not a passing fad. True friendship is hard to come by. It takes work and vulnerability on both sides of the fence. True friendship can never occur if only one person is willing. So, work hard at the things that are important. For instance, MySpace has been a great place to reconnect with a lot of acquaintances. But, the truth is, I never needed MySpace to keep up with those people who were truly my friends. (I must admit that I love being able to see my friends day to day lives on a more regular basis, instead of just thumbing through photos when we are together or using my imagination in long phone conversations.)
The nice thing about true friends is that they see beyond the surface. They hear past words to hear what you are really saying. They read what you write, but know the intent of your heart. They sense even when we are silent. And, true friends hold you accountable. They share their sorrows and their joys.
I have had two precious conversations with two of my best friends recently. During one conversation, I cried. I didn't cry out of sadness, but because someone "got me". They knew what made me tick, made me angry, made me smile and were able to listen and know my heart. The second was quick. We simply shared in the joy of God's blessing in her life. You see, that's the thing. With true friends, you share the junk and joy. And, if you share the junk, you must share the joy!
Sometimes in the hustle of life, it becomes easy to lose who you are. I am convinced that most discontent in our lives does not come out of our life situation, but in that we have allowed our life situations to alter who we are at the core. We trade grace for judgement. We trade joy for anger. We trade the true love of Christ for bitterness. We lose who we are and that is where the frustration with life comes from. True friends remind us of who we are and challenge us not to bargain with who we are. Proverbs 27:6 says, "Faithful are the wounds of a friend." Sounds funny, right?. If you read verse 5, it tells us that an open rebuke is better than love concealed. So, it goes to say that sometimes it hurts when friends are honest, but in the end it is for the best.
In our society, we tend to expect/want the quick and easy. Nothing worth having is ever quick or easy or free. True friendship has a price. True friendship requires an infinite amount of work. And, when you grow up and move away, it can get expensive (long distance phone calls, packages, visits across country). True friendship is worth every dime, every sacrifice and more.
To my dear friends (and you know who you are), thank you. I know that you know how much I love you. Thank you for holding me accountable. Thank you for reminding me what is important in life. Thank you for reminding me who I am at my core. Thank you for reminding of dreams that sometimes seem long gone. Thank you for telling me not to eat that second roll. Thank you for "getting it" and me.
To my new and up-and-coming friends, thank you for taking a chance. I truly hope that one day we will have all that I have mentioned above. I hope one day we have stories to reminisce over. I hope we will have journey, chicken salad and dr. thunder to make us smile (if you even remotely understood that, you are well on your way to getting to know me!).
Some people just don't get it...Do you?
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