Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thesis Inspiration

If you are one of my professors, please don't hold this against me. He really was before his time and literally has "rocked" my world in more ways than one. I must admit, I wish the Church of God had a few Steve Taylors.

And, one for the road...does anyone else remember?

Ok, ok, just one more - Finally, the "post-modern" version of clone.

What am I doing? I'm supposed to be writing a thesis, right? And now, I can't stop. Save me from myself. Can I get an "Amen"?


ndfugate said...

this is probably pot/kettle, but you are strange

Kelly said...

Definitely pot/kettle. You may not appreciate the musical genre, but I know enough about you to know you would appreciate the lyrics...if you took time to listen.

ndfugate said...

well i think you got your point across, after 3 repeat comments

Kelly said...

Since you and Mike are the only ones left reading my blog, I didn't figure you all would mind the computer glitch.

Kelly said...

However, I am glad that my point was made.