Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Owens Family Update

We did it. We finally made the move to Cleveland at the end of July. We arrived in time to move in on August 1st. Things have been a whirlwind since then. Belle started school at Westwood Baptist on the 11th of August. She loved it! Even though she already knew all of her colors and shapes, she learned how to spell all of her colors. She made some great new friends and had two great teachers Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Morris. I say this all in past tense because Belle was offered the wonderful opportunity to go to school at "The Village". So, at the beginning of September Belle started school there. Once again, she loved it and still does! She has made new friends, but misses her other friends at Westwood and in Tallahassee. At night, Belle and I always talk about her day. I just listen. Every night I find out something new that I would not have known if we didn't just lie there and talk. Sometimes, I wish I could just freeze time.
On the 20th of August, I started school. say that I am in over my head is probably the understatement of the year. I also started my internship early in September. So, between school and work at my internship, I am full time Monday through Thursday. The most difficult part has been being without the kids. When I was home full time, I always wanted to work. Now that am I gone from them, I just want to be with them. I have realized through this that there is a happy medium for me. I just keep reminding myself that I will have breaks soon and this is only for a year. I have the best kids ever! I have also been reading and writing a lot. I am just in the beginning stages of my thesis, but God is already shaking me to the core. At the beginning of the semester, our professors told us that our thesis wouldn't be great if it wasn't something that we were passionate about. Well, there is no lack of passion, and God keeps turning up the heat! I will talk more about my thesis and details of this in a later post.
As for Ashton...well, he is a champ! He is talking like a commentator. He is rarely ever at a loss for words. I am fascinated by the conversations that he and his sister have started to have together. For the month of August, I stayed with Ashton when I wasn't in school so that Brian could work on the job search and go to interviews. When I was in class, Ashton got to hang out with Dad. When I started my internship, Brian kept both kids full time Monday through Friday. What a champ. Needless to say, Brian and Ashton have built quite a bond. Ashton now asks for Dad when he needs comforting. I say that is awesome! In the middle of September, Ashton started school at Broad street Methodist. He has never complained about school, but we're not sure if he likes it as much as Belle. He does talk about the playground a lot. He has also started to name some of his friends. I wish you could hear him call their names. It's a hoot. His greeting when he is picked up is always, "I had a great day today!". He also loves to sing. He is singing his alphabet, twinkle, twinkle little star and itsy, bitsy spider. His favorite books are currently Barnyard Dance and The Lady With the Alligator Purse (he calls it "Miss Lucy had a Baby"). So for the most part, we are never at a loss for smiles and joy when it comes to Ashton.
Brian has been working hard with the kids and around the house. He suckered me into getting a dog. We now also have a rat terrier in our home. We call him Huck, but his official name is Huckleberry Sebastian Gaston Owens. What a mouth full. He is a good dog, but Brian and the kids take care of him. I really keep my hands off. After a long job search and some lengthy interviews, Brian officially started his new job. We are thankful, and Brian is very happy. Congratulations!
We have had some wonderful times in the mountains since we have been here. The weather has been terrific. We have taken the kids a couple of times to watch the rafters on the Ocoee River. We have been blessed to be able to spend time with very old and dear friends, who are now our new friends again. And, my parents moved to Cleveland just last week. They are now the official daytime caretakers for the Owens' kids. As you can guess, Belle and Ashton are not complaining.
We are all finally starting to settle in to our new routines, our new home and our new life here in Tennessee. A big thank you to the McMullin family, Skip Jenkins and "Aunt Gladys" for helping to make the transition as smooth as it could be. We love you all very much. Well, this has been a pretty long update. Hopefully, it won't be 4 months before my next post! ;)

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