Do you ever find yourself caught in this internal conflict of the haves and have nots of life. Come on, don't you ever sit in this pitty party of how "poor" you are compared this person or that person - thinking of all things you don't have, or could have or should have or "deserve"? I do. I think it's only natural human nature. Do you ever do things just because it's the right thing to do, but with anger or bad motives in your heart or to gain the respect of someone that you consider "important"? Be honest. I know that I have and sometimes still do. And so, in our attempts to "gain" respect, wealth, fame, appreciation or simply feel validated, we become something that ends up not looking very much like Christ at all. We spend so much time doing and getting that we forget to stop and ask the most important questions. Stop and ask yourself why you are doing the things you do.
The fact is that compared to most of the world, we are "rich". The fact is we are proud. The fact is we relish in this seeming control that we have over our lives. We are fascinated with Hollywood, with the rich, the famous and we forget our place. The fact is that we are all wretched, saved by the grace of an infinitely loving and merciful God. We get so caught up in the rat race of life (and even of ministry) that we forget where we came from and forget what it truly means to be Christian. He calls us to come just as we are.
I'm not asking you to sell all you have and give the money to the poor, although that's not a bad idea and Jesus did ask that of someone once. What I am asking you to do is stop wallowing. Be thankful for what you do have, which is more than most. I am asking you to reconsider what is a need and what is a want. I am asking you to find a person in need. I am asking to you to stop and ask yourself why you are doing the things that you do. Are you doing them to get rich or get a title or get some kind of acclaim? And I'm asking this of you, because I'm asking myself. And, I'm asking myself because I think scripture is clear that God asks it of all of us.
In Luke 4:14-21, Jesus begins His public ministry. He said, 18"THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD IS UPON ME, BECAUSE HE ANOINTED ME TO PREACH THE GOSPEL TO THE POOR. HE HAS SENT ME TO PROCLAIM RELEASE TO THE CAPTIVES, AND RECOVERY OF SIGHT TO THE BLIND,TO SET FREE THOSE WHO ARE OPPRESSED, 19 TO PROCLAIM THE FAVORABLE YEAR OF THE LORD." He is quoting Isaiah and talking about being the fulfillment of these words, and He has anointed us to do the same. In Psalms and Proverbs alone there are well over 250 verses talking about His justice and provision for the poor, the needy, the oppressed (if you want an exhaustive list, I'll give it to you).
So, stop and think. What is it time for you to give up? Do your motives need an overhaul? I know mine do all the time. I've read a lot of scripture this week. And, it has really challenged me and reminded me of where I came from and how very much I do have. Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me.
It's simple. Jesus is for losers.
I hope you don't mind a stranger stopping by. I was browsing through some blogs and yours happened to catch my eye and my heart. I can identify greatly with your posts (esp. this one and "news of my impending death"). I want to thank you for putting your thoughts into a blog and chancing that someone like myself might find it and realize that I'm not alone. Thank you. And if you don't mind, I may stop by again.
Take care.
"Do you ever do things just because it's the right thing to do, but with anger or bad motives in your heart or to gain the respect of someone that you consider "important"?"
Is that someone "important" ever God?
I feel for Brian, you are going to be a bleeding heart liberal when you're done with this class. Or maybe you already are.
Great Post.
We have the same blog layout.
Great minds think alike!
God really uses us when we let Him. It seems you never blog unless it's something very touching. I know that it's no fun having to live the lessons before you teach them, but sometimes it's the only way it really means something. I can totally relate to what you're saying. I always struggle with wanting things in life and I don't feel that that in itself is so bad, BUT the problem is a lot of times it is what defines my happiness, contentment, and confidence. I hate it when that happens. I get so mad at myself and for a while I'm good but then I find myself in the same place. I think the fact that we are concerned is a good starting point, but sometimes I want to just sell everything and move to the mission field so I won't have the pressure of society in materialism. I pray daily to see through the eyes of God and to be His hands and feet and some days I make it and some days I don't. Any advice??
I'm right there with ya. Right there. Hearing the same things.
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