So, what is a woman to do when she is supposed to sleeping, but she just can't. I'm supposed to be sharing a room with my daughter tonight so that I won't be awakened by my "still not sleeping through the night at 8 months" son. At this point, I'm really hoping that I don't get scolded for being up so late when I'm supposed to be "resting". But you see, this is the problem...
I'm in Orlando. It's the holiday. I had pumpkin pie and Starbucks for dinner. My son has been asleep since 8pm (barring a few waking incidents due to noisy neighbors shooting off 250 ft. rolls of lady fingers and God himself only knows how many bottle rockets). My brother, being the gentleman that he is, brought me popcorn and a Dr.Pepper. I couldn't bring myself to eat the popcorn, but I couldn't refuse the Dr. Pepper. His thoughtfulness was too sweet, and since Brian isn't here, I thought it best to drink one in his honor this New Years eve.
As if the caffeine were not enough to keep me awake, shortly after midnight my daughter is somehow awake and screaming at the top of her lungs. When I finally get to the room, she is standing in the pack'n'play. I asked her what was wrong. She replies through her sobbing and tears, "Mommy, my knee is broken." I quickly reply, "Do you want me to get you a hot towel?" "Yes Mommy." "Grandma is the best at making hot towels. I will have her to get you one." The screaming continues, despite all my efforts to console her, until the hot towel arrives. Two seconds later, all is well, and she is practically asleep before I can even ask if she feels better. And suddenly, my mind is somewhere 25 years ago reminiscing about all the hot towels I had to have to ease the growing pains in my own legs.
Of course, then I have to recall the years that follow ~ along with all their joys, triumphs, sorrows, get the point. I suppose that a New Year is the perfect time to look back at what was, remember the good and do our best to forget the bad.
Seeing that I'm starting to get older (notice I did not say "old"!), I realize that I forget a lot of the details of life, and the intensity of some of the things I felt isn't so strong anymore. In light of that, I must admit that it seems to me that 2006 was one of the hardest years I ever remember having (if not the hardest). As I continue to try to work through it all in my mind, I find myself mostly wanting to just forget - forgive and forget.
In my awake state, I thought tonight would be a great time to update my profile song on MySpace. In looking, I came across the song "Love Takes Time". I can't get it off of my mind. It goes something like this...(please, just humor me and read it!)
Have you ever been lied to, maybe mistreated.
Taken for granted till you just can't stand it.
Were you ever mistaken, thought to be someone
That you just can't be, with the love you need
Love takes time, please be kind, see every part of me
Love's not blind, ties that bind, take on eternity
Would you like to be trusted, for once in your life.
Carry that fire, without burnin' each other
Are you easily angry, can you bury your pride
Could you ever forgive me, and not keep it inside
Make a sacrifice sometimes, maybe more than you planned
I know we don't like the pain it takes to make a stand
A hard heart or a heartache, to admit that you're wrong
Though it's hard, it hardly matters if that love is strong
Make a sacrifice sometimes...
I think this song might possibly encompass all the emotion I have felt this year. So, for now, it is my theme song for the New Year. I think it truly encompasses so much more than a New Years resolution. It is a reckoning to be the Christ follower that He has called me to be.
So, follow the lyrics along with me...
I will forgive and do my darndest to forget.
I will no longer mistake myself for someone I am not, even if others do. (If you find my lunatic friend, please be nice!)
I will do my best to be kind, and try to do the same justice for others that I am doing for myself...I will do my best not to mistake them for someone that they are not.
I consider myself (and I know others that do as well) to be very trustworthy. I want to take that to the next level.
The fire part...I'll come back to that!
I don't want to be angry anymore.
I want to bury my pride (for a lot of reasons).
I want to give and receive true forgiveness.
I want to rid myself of the hard heart and heartache I feel I have had in 2006.
Mark this one down! I can willingly admit that in 2006 I have been wrong. When I am wrong, I'll try to keep this admitting thing going this year.
He gave the ultimate sacrifice, it's time I gave mine completely as well. It is so easy to just give bits and pieces, especially in our American pop culture...but that is another blog all together.
(Now, back to the fire part) More than anything this year, I want to carry the fire without burning someone else. And, in selfishness, I'd kind of like a break on being burned.
I guess this is a pretty tall order. There are no guarantees, just a promise that I hear ringing in my head in Belle's sweet voice..."With God, all things are possible". Hearing a two year old quote scripture ought to be enough to bring anyone to tears!
Again, these aren't New Years Resolutions. They are things I have pondered in my heart for quite some time now. Those closest to me know just how much.
This phrase has often gotten on my nerves, but somehow tonight it seems appropriate - Daddy God, my knee is broken...(a.k.a. - I still have growing pains and need a hot towel to make it better).
I should be sleeping. Can you see why I'm not?