Sunday, November 16, 2008

Fall is for Friends

Each month at school Belle is given the opportunity to purchase books from Scholastic. Last month they had an array of Thanksgiving books. We decided on a couple, one of which was titled "Fall is for Friends". Tonight we created our very own version of the book with our friends, the McMullins (Mike, Angeline and Sam).
We went out to my parents home, raked up some leaves for the kids to jump in and made a big bonfire. The wood was really wet from the rain the past couple of days. At first, we didn't think our fire would ever start, but PaPa had a can of magic (you and I would call it kerosene). After the second dose of magic, we all thought we would leave with sunburns on our faces. At the least the fire actually worked! The kids thought it was amazing the way the flame suddenly burst into the sky. It was a hoot.
We roasted marshmallows and succeeded in devouring the whole bag. Remember by this time there are 8 of us cooking away. Angeline and I were trying to take pictures and video.

So, we got the shaft on our share of the marshmallows. Finally, we got to the hot dogs. It was getting dark by this time and the fire was SOOOO hot! Angeline and I ended up roasting them all by ourselves, but at least it gave Grandma a chance to actually take our picture.
We took our roasted hot dogs up to the house where Grandma had made spinach dip and brownies. We heated up some homemade chili and dug in (all while taking in our evening dose of Sunday football). It was a lot of fun. I don't remember the last time I roasted marshallows and hot dogs over an open flame.
Anyway, fall is for friends. Take some time to enjoy some fall fun with your friends too.


David said...

Excellent blog. I like the topic, "fall is for friends". And the story you told is great.

Keep blogging.

I live in Southern California. The fire on the post caught my eye tonight. So I read your blog. Very well done. I wish we could get some cool rain to put out all these fires. If I would rain we could enjoy some chili too.

ndfugate said...

what, you didn't go to church on a Sunday night, what is wrong with you?

m.d. mcmullin said...

We enjoyed coming out. Thanks for having us.

The kerosene on the fire was definitely the highlight for Sam. He was still talking about it this morning.

Kim said...

Sounds like fun was had by all!! I am a lover of Fall! I cannot wait to jump in the leaves with Anna Claire!

Karena said...

So good to see all of you guys...I'm glad everyone is enjoying the "better days." I wish Karena and I could be there roasting marshmallows with you...!