To Whom It May Concern:
I began blogging back in the day on MySpace as a way to say some of the things I felt needed to be said, but at the time I had no outlet in which to say them.
As my blog progressed, it somewhat told the story of me and life lessons that I was learning at the time. Through time, my blog has become a way for a lot of you to keep up with the happenings of our family. Lately, and let's be completely honest here, it's just been lame. The posts are few and far between and I try to come up with things to say just to let you in on the happenings of our life. Not that Belle and Ashton couldn't keep us entertained for weeks though.
Today is another new day for my blog. I'm closing up shop for the season. I don't really know what direction I want to take this blog right now. So, I'm going to sit and think on for a while. There are enough Coupon Mom blogs to make me want to gag! At this point I'm not really looking to make money blogging. I could post endless updates on me and family, but I find myself seeking solace these days. For those of you who genuinely care, I will be opening a new blog to keep you all posted on my family. It will be for invited readers only. So, if you want to be invited, you must let me know. As for me, I have so much to say, but I'm just not sure where to start or how to say it least for now. Those of you that really know me know it won't last forever (or even long for that matter). So, before you think of stealing my catchy and clever hook line...think twice, I will come after you! ;)
I will leave you all with one final note. The garden has grown wonderfully. We have feasted on its wares all summer long. I made 18 jars of blackberry jam this week. I can't wait to share them with everyone. We have tried to share our harvest with as many people as possible. We have had a really great summer.
Belle is obviously bored and ready to start school. So, it's a good thing that it starts this Thursday (AHHHH!!!! I can't believe this day has arrived.) She is reading up a storm, and informed me the other day that her brain was "computering all the time". Ashton is just one amazing little guy. He is so smart, in an "engineering" sort of way. He can put together a puzzle like no other 3 year old I know. He also LOVES hard work. He is always asking to help do things. Last Saturday, he carried a dining chair across the yard. I tried to help him but was informed that he could do it himself.
A baby bird made its home in one of the flower pots on our porch. This week it fell out, and its mom obviously abandoned it. Brian and the kids rescued the bird. Belle and Ashton named her Annie. They took her to the pet doctor where she was well-taken care of and sent to a special home to recover.
I am currently reading Amos Yong's "Theology and Down Syndrome". I must admit I was a little envious (ok, a lot envious) when "Amos" wrote a personal reply on Dr. Alexander's facebook status...SOMEDAY! After 35 years, I have come to the realization that I really enjoy working with my hands - crafts, gardening, canning, yard work, etc. Was I born in the right century? Maybe I spent all this time and money just to figure out that I should have been a hairdresser!? (Just Kidding!!!) But, I am enjoying this break from school. School is just a whole new ballgame when toddlers are in the mix. I learned so much last year. I am also thankful that it is complete. I am also thankful that I had a wonderful husband who supported me the entire way and took a lot on his plate to help me finish. But, enough of that mushy stuff.
I found a statement on someone's facebook that has enamored me for the moment. It said that the grass only looks greener on the other side because they have more crap to fertilize it with. I think that is probably true. I will ponder that thought until LOST returns in the Spring and gives me something better to think about!!! ;)
Finally, my dear friend and her husband are about to adopt a new baby. They are about to launch their website which will tell their story and help them raise the funds needed for the adoption. So, please check back here for a final post with a link to their blog. I know they would appreciate your prayers and support.
I appreciate those of you who took the time to read my blog and even comment sometimes. Writing brings me so much joy. I plan to keep doing for a very long time, even if it is absent from this venue for a while.
Sincerely (and thanks for your support),