Friday, March 28, 2008

How Far We've Come...

Tomorrow is our 5th anniversary. In some ways, it seems so short and in others, it seems like an eternity. I always explain our courtship (if you can call it that) and marriage like a roller coaster ride. For 30 years (give or take a few months for both of us), we were on the ride up the first hill. Our marriage was the peak of the first hill, and so far the rest has been a fast ride. We moved from Cleveland to Tallahassee when I was pregnant with our first child, Belle. Since then, Ashton came along, and aside from children, life has posed all sorts of trials and joys. If you are married with children, I'm sure that you understand what I'm talking about.
I could come up with a few profound things to say and maybe wow you with some words or poetic statements. But, instead, I just want to say Happy Anniversary to us! I am thankful for my husband. He is a hard-working man who loves Jesus and his family. Belle and Ashton adore him, and though he can frustrate me like no one else, I adore him too! Whether times are good or bad, it is comforting to know that someone is there with you and there to hold your hand. Thank God for good husbands who aren't totally self-consumed and think about others as much as they do themselves. They do exist, and I caught one. Wahooie!
Happy Anniversary, Brian. I love you. I am with you. I believe in you, even when you don't believe in yourself (and this works vice versa too!). Here is to the beginning. We are still in the beginning, and I look forward to the years to come with a hopeful and grateful heart.

Monday, March 17, 2008

New Drama - Here's the Cast...Literally

So, my baby boy is in a cast for the next 4 weeks. As a mother, I'm heartbroken and probably in much more pain than he is. His leg is not broken. The bone is bent. A simple way of explaining the details is to say that the cast will make sure that it doesn't get broken and heals properly. For some reason, they think toddlers don't know how to stay still! ;)
Anyway, the tech who put on Ashton's cast said that from what he saw of his personality, the cast would not hold him back at all. One evening has proven that to be true. Within an hour of being home, he was up and running (as best he could) and climbing around as if nothing was wrong.

We are trying to make the best of it. The doctor explained it to him. We've always just talked to our kids as if they understood everything we were saying anyway. He has this new little "walker" to help him get around. It's basically a very wide velcro shoe that goes over his cast. We've told him this is his new sock and shoe for the next 4 weeks. He was fine with it until bedtime. Then Dad had to explain why this one doesn't come off.
Honestly, the most distressing part of this whole ordeal is that Ashton will miss his nightly bath. Every night in the middle of dinner Ashton begins his spiel about the "big, big, big bath tub". It is a nightly ritual that usually last 30 minutes or more. It is full of bubbles and boats, and just Saturday he got a new Leo and Rocket (from the Little Einsteins for those of you who are toddler challenged) bath tub toy. Needless to say, I'm sure we will be counting the nights until bath time can begin again. At least Brian won't be cleaning up poop! (Please see "Life is Messy" for the full details).
As part of the ritual, we took pictures. I have included most of them. Belle and I also took pictures of our "not in casts" feet. To which Belle concluded that we all have "not pretty" feet...except for her!
Let me close with an apology. This blog is certainly not in my usual style of writing. But, I've had a day. And, at this point, being coherent is just not an option.
If you are coherent, then say a prayer for my little man. We'll keep you posted!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

No Creative Titles, Just Wanted to Say I'm Back

So, it's been a 9 month hiatus. We'll I'm back. At least I hope to be. I've got a Friday study day and lots of things rumbling in this head and heart of mine. Besides, I have two kids, a husband, lots of school work, house get the picture. Anyway, I've got time on my hands. So look for me. I've got some things to say about motherhood, Christianity (mine in particular), school and this great family I call my own. Hopefully, I have been gone, but not forgotten. See you in the funny papers! My Dad used to say that...never thought it was funny before tonight.